Visualizing the Global Drought Conditions: Historical Water Resources and Uses

Xi Chen, Xiaoyi Wang, Chuankai Zhao

Data Resources and Variables

Number of inhabitants per square kilometre of total area.

Population density

The number of persons undernourished is obtained by multiplying estimates of the proportion of undernourished for each country by estimates of the total population.
Number of people undernourished
Agriculture corresponds to ISIC divisions 1-5 and includes forestry, hunting, and fishing, as well as cultivation of crops and livestock production.

Agriculture value added

Long-term average (over space and time) of annual endogenous precipitation (produced in the country) in volume.

Avg annual precipitation in volume

Indicator expressing the percent of total renewable water resources originating outside the country. This indicator may theoretically vary between 0% and 100%.

Dependency ratio

Total annual actual renewable water resources per inhabitant.

Renewable water resources per capita

Total freshwater withdrawn in a given year, expressed in percentage of the total renewable water resources. This parameter is an indication of the pressure on the renewable water resources.

Pressure on water resources

Agricultural water withdrawal as percentage of total water withdrawal.

Proportion total water withdrawal

Water withdrawn for irrigation in a given year, expressed in percent of the total renewable water resources. This parameter is an indication of the pressure on the renewable water resources caused by irrigation.

Proportion renewable water withdraw

Total annual amount of water withdrawn per capita.

Water withdrawl per inhabitant

Area equipped to provide water (via irrigation) to crops. It includes areas equipped for full/partial control irrigation, equipped lowland areas, and areas equipped for spate irrigation.

Area equipped for irrigation

Part of cultivated land that is equipped for irrigation, expressed in percentage. This indicator is not valid for the few countries that irrigate pastures.

Part of cultivated area under irrigation

To generate the world data map:
1. Select variable name and year range from two dropdown lists
2. Click "Show" button
To generate the indexed line chart:
1. Click the "Select" button and select the countries on the datamap
2. Click "Finish" button
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